Adding a fee to a SKU

Learn how to add a fee to a SKU.

To add a fee to a SKU:

  1. Click SKUs in the left navigation. The SKUs page appears.

  2. To add a fee to a SKU, search or scroll to find the SKU you want to have a fee.

  3. Click the order ID link under the ID column. The SKU details page appears.

  4. Scroll down to Fees and click Add fee. The Create a fee page appears.

  5. Choose one of the following options:

    • Create new fee: To create a new fee:

      1. Click Create fee.

    • Start from an existing fee: Select this option to create a new fee from an existing fee.

      1. Select the fee you want to use as the basis for the new fee. To search for a specific fee, click Filter, select the fee type, and click Apply.

      2. Scroll down to click Select fee.

      3. Select the fee type from the Select one dropdown. The options are Battery, Weee, Copyright, E_Waste, and Packaging.

Fee fields

When you create a fee, provide the following information on the Create a fee and Add Fee to SKU pages. The fields are defined below.

Select one

Select the type of fee from the dropdown. The options are Battery, Weee, Copyright, E_Waste, and Packaging.


Provides the category of the SKU as defined by regulatory law (for example, 3. IT and Telecommunication Equipment).


Provides the product type as well as various product attributes (for example,5" Class Q900 QLED Smart 8K UHD TV).


Provides the amount of the fee being charged in the configured currency.


Provides the type of currency being used to pay the fee.


Provides the two-letter Alpha-2 country code as described in the ISO 3166 international standard..

Additional fee information

Depending on the type of fee you have selected from the Select one dropdown (for example, Battery), you may be required to provide additional information in fields displayed below the Country field. See Managing regulatory fees for more information.

Last updated