Error types, codes, and objects

Learn about error types, codes, and objects.

Change event error object

When DigitalRiver.js detects an error with an element, it returns an error object with the change event. This object will contain a type, code, and message.

    "type": "validation_error",
    "code": "invalid_card_number",
    "message": "Your card number is invalid."

Create source error object

DigitalRiver.js returns this error object within the createSource method if an error occurs with the tokenization request. This object will contain a type and an array of detailed messages explaining the error.

    "type": "bad_request",
    "errors": [{
           "code": "invalid_parameter",
           "parameter": "owner.firstName",
           "message": "'' is not a valid owner.firstname."
            "code": "currency_unsupported",
            "parameter": "currency",
            "message": "currency 'xyz' is not supported."

Error codes

The following table contains a list of DigitalRiver.js error codes.

You must only indicate that the payment has been declined and do not share the code or descriptions below with the customer.



There is a problem with your address.


The card is expired or the expiration date is invalid.


The format of your request is invalid.


The parameter is invalid. Check the Digital River API Reference to see which values are valid and try again.


The string value is empty. Provide a valid string value and try again.


The method is not allowed. Provide a valid method value and try again.


A parameter is missing. Check the Digital River API Reference to see which values are required and try again.


The item requested was not found.


The source you have requested was not found.


An unknown error has occurred

Last updated